Archive for "2010"

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Say Cheese

by on Sunday, December 5, 2010

Self-Portrait using only the complimentary colors red and green, black and white.
Soft pastel on paper
Created for basic drawing class.

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by on Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I did it! I went to Chinatown and looked around at galleries. It was surprisingly fun.

I went to:

The Happy Lion
Sam Lee Gallery
David Salow Gallery
Jancar Gallery
Sabina Lee Gallery
Charlie James Gallery
China Art Objects Gallery
Thomas Soloman Gallery
Fifth Floor Gallery

Let's start with the Happy Lion Gallery. EVERYTHING WE LOVE IS GOING TO DIE. It was a full of landscape photographs taken by Patrick Lakey. I had a hard time making the connection between the photos and the title. I think he's trying to say that the things in the photos were things we love, and they would die. CHEERY -_- They were beautiful photos, but I wasn't amazed.

So the Sam Lee Gallery had some realy interesting sculptures by Macha Suzuki. This sculpture here, FAIL, was really cool. All the leaves looked like photographs of leaves printed onto clear sheets of plastic. Just super cool in my opinion. There were also lots of manaquins with their heads replaced with different objects. It was kinda weird, but really cool.

At the Sabina Lee Gallery they were showing photographs by Winkler+Noah. These guys from Italy are Awsome! Their collection called The Puppet Show is so creepy it's cool. Who would have thought to take pictures of cute little kids and with a few lines make them look like horror show puppets. So are kids just their parents cute little puppets?

Last but not least, Fifth Floor Gallery. It was by far my favorite. It was mostly about design with an artistic edge. Full of cool, inavative things for the home. And as we left I noticed a quarter machine in the corner. That's strange I thought. I looked at it, and it was a quarter machine with seed bombs in it. So I couldn't leave without getting one. You just throw the seed bomb into a vacant lot, and when the rain comes, they grow. Is that cool or what?

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by on Wednesday, April 28, 2010

So.... another day, another sculpture. The project was to make a trophy out of one material. So, because I read alot I picked old books as my material. The entire sculture is paper, tape, and glue.

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Two things to talk about.

by on Sunday, March 14, 2010

So this is my latest sculpture.
The puke, spew, vomit, etc. is made of birch wood,
and the man is made of Super Sculpey sprayed with
green glossy paint.

It had to show tension. So I hope that the tension
comes across to not only me but also the veiwer.

I have to say I'm very happy with this peice, and

I think I'm gonna try to make a seiries out of it.



February - March

Annalee was an obsessive girlfriend.
She wouldn't get off my back.
I told her I wasn't into cougars, but
she wouldn't listen.
So, with the help of my class mates
(and teacher)
we got rid of her.
I hung her from the ceiling, and they
took turns beating her with a bat.
The first, and second strike didn't get
anywhere, but on the third hit her head flew
off. And then by the fifth hit her
candy insides were splattered across
the floor. It was great fun.
We ate some of her, and took the
rest home as souvenirs.
We dumped her body in the trash,
and that was end of Annalee.

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by on Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ok, I have finally done it. I have been in public with my lady friend Annalee. And it was both very fun, and embarrassing.

I'm standing infront of Shogun Sushi.

I't was very romantic.

Annalee ate like a pig!

It was the dark haired girls Birthday

These girls were so nice, and were

happy to take a picture with me.

I went to a retirement community, but they told me I couldn't

walk around, so I walked around their parkinglot for a little while.

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Apparatus Project

by on Friday, February 26, 2010

So, I've been done with making this project for a week, but I just now got around to posting it up.

What I had to do was make a sculpture that was connected to the body. And then wear it in three different public locations. So I decided to make a lady holding on to my back, and it would be made of paper mache. It was supposed to represent the older generation afflicting the younger generation.

So I started with sneaking card board from the store I work at, and making a frame to set paper mache on. See her beautiful curves?

Can you guess what this peice is?

I added a head, and an arm. All made of cardboard, and LOTS of tape.

I wrapped dry newspaper to rounde her out before laying the paper mache down.

The paper mache was awful! I will never work with paper mache again. I don't know what I was thinking, or why any one would use this disgusting stuff. It ended up splattered allover my room by the time I was done.

I think her face was the big seller. How can you say no to that?

To finish off this horrible creature I pushed marbles into her eyes, I painted make-up onto her face, I stole my sisters clothes, and put them on her. My mom gave me a wig she bought a couple of holloweens ago, and I painted her nails. And walla! Annalee was born. She was supposed to look like an old woman, but I think she looks more like my ugly girlfriend. I'll post pictures of me and her out in public shortly.

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Collection Week 3 - 4

by on Wednesday, February 17, 2010

So, I was a little lazy last week, so this week and last week have been put together.

Ok, the new things are:

1. A stick of Dairy Queen chapstick. The flavor is vanilla cone. It's really good.

2. A broken wine bottle with dried up remnants of the wine actually stuck to it

3. A peiece of paper with maple syrup on it.

4. Carnations that I grew myself from seed a year ago. They smell fantastic.

5. Doggy treats.

6 Original Tik Taks.

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Collection Week Two

by on Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ok, here's what I've got for week two of my collection. I also put it somewhere different.

Now I have: Coffee Beans, Failed Soap, a Pomander, a Pine Cone, a Bottle of Nail Polish, and some Incense Cones. :)

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by on Thursday, January 28, 2010

Week 1 of my collection. The round thing is a pomander (an orange that has cloves stuck into its skin, and then left to dry.) , I have coffee beans, and grass.

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Sculpting Class


The second assignment of my Sculpting class was to go to, and pick three assignments to do.

So I did:

#11. Photograph a scar and write about it.

When I was about six-ish I was trying to sit on the end of a baseball bat, and balance myself on it. I accomplished my goal for about 2 milaseconds, and then came crashing onto the floor. At that time I had a big Mexican piggy bang, and the corner of my eye collided with the ear of that piggy bank.

#33 Braid someones hair.

#63 Make an encouraging banner.

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First Post

by on Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Your blog is your unedited version of yourself. - lorelle

I'm tired, and have lots of things to do, but I'll try to post every day.

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